Welcome to Cherwell Strollers
Cherwell Strollers Walking Football Club accredited by the FA has two Over 50’s teams in the Thames Valley League at Bisham Abbey run by Bucks & Berks FA and an Over 50s and Over 60s team in the Oxon Summer League run by Oxon FA playing at Bicester. We also enter teams into various tournaments in other counties, recently beating Torquay in the final of an Over 50s tournament in Devon.
Walking football – or to be more accurate non-running football – has grown enormously since Cherwell Strollers started in 2014 and at representative level is very competitive and challenging. The standard of teams has improved considerably over the years and the amount of skill displayed by some of the players is outstanding with some also playing Vets football. As a number of our players are getting older we are seeking to recruit experienced players with a view to representing the club in various competitions. We are particularly short of players in the 50 – 60 age range but welcome players of all ages.
Training sessions are currently being held from 10:30-11:30am on Sunday mornings on the outdoor pitch at The Dewey Centre, Bloxham OX15 4PE.
New players are always welcome (the first session is free).
If you are interested, or would like further information, please contact Stan Horlock stan@thehorlocks.com or 07889 315069. Please follow us on Facebook for regular updates.
Management Committee
Stan Horlock – Chairman/Treasurer
Peter Dubber – Club Secretary/Thames Valley League Coordinator
Colin Hanney – Thames Valley League Deputy Coordinator
Chris Morris – Fixtures Secretary
TBC – Social Secretary
Stan Horlock – Media Secretary
John Stiff – Welfare Officer